
2008 Grant Awards and Future Funding Opportunities

In September 2008, the SMART Office awarded 27 grants, totaling $3.9 million, under the Support for Adam Walsh Act Implementation Grant Program. The grants were awarded as follows:

  • Eleven to federally recognized Indian tribes.
  • Five to states.
  • Ten to units of local government.
  • One to a territory.

These awards support an array of projects, including enhancements to information technology programs, support for sex offender registration programs, and multiagency task force operations targeting noncompliant sex offenders.

Under the Comprehensive Approaches to Sex Offender Management Training and Technical Assistance Program, the SMART Office awarded a national-level training and technical assistance grant to Fox Valley Technical College to develop a national curriculum on sex offender management and accountability. The curriculum will be provided to jurisdictions throughout the Nation and will incorporate Sex Offender Registration and Notification Act (SORNA) issues as they relate to sex offender management. This grant also supports the development of a tribal curriculum to be offered to tribes that have elected to implement SORNA requirements. Recognizing that tribes have not previously been required to act as sex offender registration jurisdictions, the SMART Office will use the curriculum and technical assistance provided through this grant to support tribes with SORNA implementation and build tribal capacity to establish and maintain sex offender registration programs.

The Funding Resources page of the SMART Office web site lists all grant awards. Click on the program title to see who was funded under the Support for Adam Walsh Act Implementation Grant Program and the Comprehensive Approaches to Sex Offender Management Training and Technical Assistance Program.

The SMART Office anticipates releasing two solicitations in Fiscal Year (FY) 2009. Funding for applications submitted under these solicitations is contingent on a final FY 2009 federal budget. To find out more about future funding opportunities from the SMART Office, begin checking and the SMART Office web site in January 2009.

  • Extension Request for SORNA Compliance
    If your jurisdiction plans to request an extension for SORNA implementation, . . . arrow More

  • Specific Offenses Included Under SORNA
    Most jurisdictions are familiar with the general categories of sex offenses . . . arrow More

  • 2009 National Symposium on Sex Offender Management and Accountability
    This year's SMART Office symposium is being held in Houston, Texas, . . . arrow More

  • 2008 Grant Awards and Future Funding Opportunities
    In September 2008, the SMART Office awarded 27 grants, totaling $3.9 million, . . . arrow More

  • Justice Department and Indian Law Expert Working Groups Convened
    The SMART Office has convened two Indian Country working groups. The first group . . . arrow More
