February 2019

SMART Watch Newsletter

Dru Sjodin

In Memoriam: Dru Sjodin

Dru Sjodin was a 22-year-old student at University of North Dakota in November 2003. She had just changed her major to photojournalism. She had recently been on the cover of her university magazine for a feature about the Clothesline Project, which honors victims and survivors of sexual assault by decorating colored T-shirts and hanging them on a clothesline to raise awareness about the issue.

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Laura L. Rogers

From the Director

Laura L. Rogers is the Director of the SMART Office.

The start of a new year always reminds me of a blank canvas ??? an opportunity to start fresh, a chance to reset and refocus goals and set priorities ??? both personally and professionally. Here at the SMART Office, the coming of the new year has offered us the perfect opportunity to focus our mission and goals, set priorities, define where the new year will take us and focus on the work we will accomplish.

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